
If just want to get started quickly, drop the example configuration files into the ~/.config/hypershot directory, as follows:

mkdir -p ~/.config/hypershot && cd $_
curl -sL "" \
    | tar -xvz --strip-components=3 --wildcards '*/docs/examples/*.yaml'

Then follow the imgur link, if you want to use that service. Otherwise skip to the Usage chapter.

Configuration File

Configuration is read from the file ~/.config/hypershot/config.yaml (on Linux, following the XDG spec). Only YAML is supported. You can set a different location for the configuration file using --config-dir, the file itself is always called either config.yaml or config.yml.

All command line parameters can be given a custom default via either the configutation file or an environment variable. Specifically, HYPERSHOT_CONFIG_DIR can be used to set a different default for the --config-dir option.

The lookup order is this (first wins): command line options, environment variables, configuration settings, configuration defaults.

To select a named image hosting service (which can be configured as shown in the next section), use either service: ‹name› in the config file, HYPERSHOT_SERVICE=‹name› in the environment, or -s ‹name› on the command line.

Any option that takes a value works this way.

Image Hosters

To list all the image hosting services, both provided as defaults and those added via the configuration, call hypershot services.

Below you find information on how to configure the built-in imgur service, and how to add others to your configuration.

Also see this config.yaml for more examples, using it provides you with the following services:

$ hypershot -c docs/examples services
››› Services ‹‹‹
Name   Handler       Max. Size  Ext  Service URL
imgbb  chevereto      16.0 MiB    1
imgur  imgur          10.0 MiB    2
lutim  file_upload     5.0 MiB    1
malzo  chevereto      30.0 MiB    1

››› 'Ext'ensions column legend ‹‹‹
Ext  Image File Extensions


To use the built-in imgur service you need to register with them. Select “Anonymous usage without user authorization”, which will give you a client ID and a client secret.

Add those values to the ~/.netrc file like this:

    login ‹CLIENT_ID›
    password ‹CLIENT_SECRET›

Simple File Upload Sites

If a site basically does a HTML form upload (multipart/form-data), use the file_upload handler.

Consider this example for

    handler: file_upload
    url: ""
    limit: 5M
    types: [JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF]
    upload_url: "{url}"
      Referer: "{url}"
      delete-day: 0
      crypt: on
    files_field_name: "file"
    response_regex: "<a href=.(?P<scheme>[^:]+)://(?P<domain>[^/]+)/\
                     (?P<image>[^\"]+).[^>]*><img class=.thumbnail"
    image_url: "https://{response[domain]}/{response[image]}"

You can set the HTTP POST request headers, and add any form data in addition to the file upload field. The name of that field must be given in files_field_name.

The provided response_regex is used to scan a HTTP response of type text/html or text/plain, and must contain at least one named group of the form (?P<name>...) – see Python’s Regular Expression HOWTO for more details. Those named groups are available in response, in addition to all the handler’s settings, to build an image_url using the Python string formatter.

In case of a JSON response, you can use json instead of response for building your image_url.

Chevereto Sites

A good service powered by Chevereto is, because you can use it anonymously and it has a high size limit of 30 MiB. If you want to use an account you have there, the next paragraph shows you how – otherwise leave out the login attribute.

Here is an example including user account credentials – these settings go into config.yaml like all other ones:

    handler: chevereto
    url: ""
    limit: 30M
    types: [JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF]
    login: .netrc

In this example, the special value .netrc means the username and password are kept separate in the ~/.netrc file, which is commonly used to store credentials for FTP access and similar services. Otherwise, provide login and password in the YAML file directly.

So also add this to the ~/.netrc file:

    login YOURNAME
    password KEEP_ME_SECRET

This file must be private, therefor call chmod 0600 ~/.netrc after you initially create it.

Logging Configuration

The Python logging system can be configured by one of the files logging.yaml, logging.yml, or logging.ini. They must be located in the configuration directory, and are checked in the mentioned order.

Consult the Python Guide and the Logging How-To for details on the logging machinery and its configuration. For the YAML files, the dictionary method applies (using dictConfig), see this logging.yaml for a full example.

The logging level threshold of the root logger depends on the values of debug (DEBUG) and verbose (INFO) – if neither is set, the level is WARNING.